Neurology – A Common Sense Approach to Pain & Injury

A muscle’s behavior and actions are controlled by a governing system:
The Nervous System.
The nervous system consists of the brain, spinal cord, and nerves. (Yes, there’s more to it, but we’re keeping this brief.)
The classic approaches to pain or injury management involve treating the muscles via massage, stretching, or strengthening, such as physiotherapy or massage therapy. Another common approach is to “adjust” the joints into a more ideal position, as seen in chiropractic or osteopathic treatments. Often, these approaches are combined—first massaging the muscles, then adjusting the joints, followed by exercises to stretch or strengthen muscles to maintain an optimal position.
But what if the muscles are still being told to remain tight or are inhibited by something else?
With this process, we are treating the end product—the state of the muscles—rather than addressing why the muscles are in that state or behaving a certain way. In this case, we may be managing the symptom rather than investigating the cause.
If a muscle is being told to hold tension and remain tight by its “governing” system—the nervous system—then you can massage and stretch it as much as you like, but there’s a strong chance it will return to being tight because that’s the signal it’s receiving.
Since the therapy hasn’t corrected the signal, you’ll often need to return for treatment after treatment until the body heals naturally, you learn to manage it long-term, a doctor decides on surgery, or you accept that you’ll have to live with the condition.
Just for the record, I’m not criticizing any of the treatments mentioned. I know excellent professionals in each of these fields who achieve great results for their clients.
I’m simply asking: should we begin the treatment process above the level of the muscles and joints to reduce treatment times and achieve better outcomes? Should we treat the governing system, the control system—the nervous system—first?
I In my opinion and experience, if we assess and correct the communication between the central nervous system (CNS) and our muscles and joints, the treatment process would be much shorter, and clients would become pain-free much quicker.
In my practice, I use massage, therapeutic tools, and exercises, and I occasionally refer clients to a chiropractor or osteopath to help them become pain-free and take control of their injury or pain as quickly as possible. However, before performing any mechanical treatments, I first assess and correct the communication, as this often leads to profound results. Clients typically need only 1–5 sessions, without requiring further adjustments, massages, stretches, or strengthening exercises.
If it makes sense to you to work with the body’s control system, then take action now and fill out the form or send me a message.
Mobile 07989587621