07989597621 [email protected]

Are you in pain or suffering with a chronic health problem?

Have you been told to learn to ‘live with it’?

Or continually having treatment after treatment without any real success and feels like money down the drain?

If your answer is ‘YES’ to any of these questions then…

We Need To Talk ASAP!

Our Services

Movement Neurology

Using a neurological approach to permanently resolve muscle aches, pain and injuries!

Manual Muscle Testing

Using science to identify the root cause of injury or pain to help speed your return to full health!

Massage Solutions

Bespoke massage therapy to help you unwind the injury or pain and aid part of the recovery program.

Personal Nutrition Course

Use Nutrition Correctly To Take Back Your Health Or Improve Your Performance On The Playing Field Or Board Room


6 week Nutrtion Course

Over the 6 weeks the challenge runs for, we are going to give you the tools to ensure that you are never going to need to buy another diet book… ever again!