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Change The Way You Think about Exercise and Change Your Life

I personally love a good workout and a good challenge, but a lot of people just don’t, they can’t think of anything worse and consider exercise a form of torture.  You may hear how much fun exercise is and envy the ones that can just jump out of bed in the morning, looking forward to their daily gym session.

Changing your exercise mindset, and letting go of the pressure of ‘exercise’ will change your life (and your body).

Exercise Doesn’t Have to Be Painful

Exercise can and should be fun and something you can do each and every day. Because honestly – if you’re not having fun, how likely are you to continue doing it? If it’s not easy to do, how can you find time to fit it into your day?

It’s a whole lot easier to motivate yourself to go for a walk or a bike ride to the store than it is to run five miles, right? And you can fit a walk into your day every day. It’s easier to go play tennis with a friend than to climb on the cross trainer at the local gym. And much more fun, too.

Go Slow, and Just Get Moving

We have been told that to be healthy we need to do a sustained activity for twenty, thirty, or even sixty minutes.  That a gym class such as spinning or boxercise or spending 60 minutes on a treadmill is what’s important.  This form of staying fit just doesn’t appeal to a lot of people and therefore just isn’t sustainable for many.

If you are new to fitness, start slow, just get moving everyday.  During your lunch break, don’t sit at your desk, get up and go for a walk.  Instead of getting home and sticking another box set on, go for  swim, try a dance class?

Moving your body means walking; it means being physically active. It doesn’t mean an hour in the spin class – unless you enjoy spin class. Exercise is fine as long as it’s part of a daily habit of movement.

Adopting a Healthy, and Active, Mindset

If you dread working out, find an activity that you enjoy and fits in with your lifestyle. The activity should require movement.   Do something you enjoy that gets your body moving.

You can do it.
